

Nelson™ says:
he said
Chinese civilization is so old
thousands of years old
there must be something
behind all this
惠静 HC,KL says:
uh huh
Nelson™ says:
what keeps chinese civilziation alive for so long
he proposes
to find out what it is, and dig it out and re-use it for modernity
惠静 HC,KL says:
Nelson™ says:
which is
not really how i feel
but close
i think im more extreme
惠静 HC,KL says:
Nelson™ says:
i want china to reject modernity
惠静 HC,KL says:
Nelson™ says:
not even
but find a path for themselves
惠静 HC,KL says:
uh huh
Nelson™ says:
modernity is such an european idea
that has influenced the whole worlds
惠静 HC,KL says:
Nelson™ says:
sometimes i also think that USA
is not a country
but a vision for the world
惠静 HC,KL says:
uh huh
Nelson™ says:
that their manifesto requires them to impose their values on others
USA is not a country, but an idea of how the world should be
many races in one country
and have some sort of freedom and democracy
惠静 HC,KL says:
Nelson™ says:
Singapore adopted that model
before USA, countries/nations were always based on a racial/linguistic model
but i think the USA changed that
惠静 HC,KL says:
uh huh
Nelson™ says:
no wonder Malaysia rejected Singapore
coz Malaysia still bases itself on the traditional model
not good or bad
just saying why its different
惠静 HC,KL says:
sg threatens the malay powerbase
Nelson™ says:
惠静 HC,KL says:
dunno who said, that’s why we incl sabah sarawak
Nelson™ says:
so in the world now there are kind of different kind of nations
some nations are still based on that linguistic/racial model
like China
then u have these multi-racial places like Singapore
where else
惠静 HC,KL says:
Nelson™ says:
yea Canada
my indian friend used to make fun of Singapore
we are a man-made country
惠静 HC,KL says:
uh huh
why that funny?
Nelson™ says:
sounds wrong
but i just laugh
惠静 HC,KL says:
Nelson™ says:
i was like
all countries are made up by man, what is she saying
but i think she meant artifical
惠静 HC,KL says:
uh huh
articifial meaning.
Nelson™ says:
so anyway
also means
unification of all human races
did u know?
惠静 HC,KL says:
Nelson™ says:
惠静 HC,KL says:
Nelson™ says:
its a western idea of trying to unify the world into one global context
like saying
let there be one langauge that everyuone understands
one system that works
one standard
the A4 paper is a product of that modern system
now paper sizes are standardised in Europe
but i dont know if thats good for China
i dont know
惠静 HC,KL says:
china did the unification thing befor
long in history
one chian
Nelson™ says:
ye i know
惠静 HC,KL says:
Nelson™ says:
this is different
惠静 HC,KL says:
Nelson™ says:
its not about one china
its about one world
惠静 HC,KL says:
it’s the same.. no?
Nelson™ says:
it might mean the wiping out of chinese culture
惠静 HC,KL says:
not race-based
Nelson™ says:
did u ever study post modernism?
惠静 HC,KL says:
Nelson™ says:
thats why you have post-modernism in the west now
惠静 HC,KL says:
Nelson™ says:
where people reject all this ’standardization’
and homogenity
惠静 HC,KL says:
uh huh
Nelson™ says:
it is detremental to culture
dont try to homogenize culture
dont make everything the same flavour
i want differences
i want chocolate
i want strawberry
dont make everything vanilla
惠静 HC,KL says:
it followed from
Nelson™ says:
of coz it is extreme
惠静 HC,KL says:
indus. rev.
Nelson™ says:
but they have a point there
dont give me one size fits all
i want customization
惠静 HC,KL says:
but if u follow the times from industrial revolution
ppl kept growing
more and more ppl in the world
Nelson™ says:
uh huh
惠静 HC,KL says:
w/o mass production
it’s not possible to sustain a lot of things
Nelson™ says:
惠静 HC,KL says:
Nelson™ says:
but then it becomes
utility over culture
惠静 HC,KL says:
men are ruled by what they created
Nelson™ says:
its like saying
we dont need flavours
eat a pill
and u are full
惠静 HC,KL says:
uh huh
Nelson™ says:
thats good enough
what for have to chew and taste
惠静 HC,KL says:
to survive?
yes that’s what astronauts do
Nelson™ says:
thats what u;re saying
its kind of existential
and i reject that
惠静 HC,KL says:
Nelson™ says:
i think life is more than just surviving
惠静 HC,KL says:
uh huh
Nelson™ says:
u dont eat to live, u live to eat
惠静 HC,KL says:
existential meaning
Nelson™ says:
this sounds like ur existential paper liao
惠静 HC,KL says:
that can only said in today times
as in u said urself exist. only came in the 20th centur
Nelson™ says:
惠静 HC,KL says:
was it always live to eat or did ppl change there too
Nelson™ says:
yes and no
industrialization allowed people to have free time on such a big scale
but i believe before industrialization
the rich people and aristocrats always had free time
惠静 HC,KL says:
uh huh
Nelson™ says:
but it was just a minority
u know when u walk into a department store
惠静 HC,KL says:
then the poor ppl eat to live?
Nelson™ says:
and those people will treat u like King
as a customer
thats the kind of treatment only aristocrats got back in the day
patrons of these exclusive stores
but industrialization changed all that
now eevryone wants to be treated like a exclusive patron
惠静 HC,KL says:
uh huh
Nelson™ says:
yea poor people probably eat to live
i think
i dunno
maybe i should be really poor for a while
to find out
if i change
惠静 HC,KL says:
Nelson™ says:
then i will stop thinking about all this
and think about food all day

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