

I am thinking of curating a project where I talk about dreams. No, not the sort that you get when you sleep, but the kind that everyone work towards. Goals, missions, destinations, expectations; these are just other names for the same notion. What do people work towards? And are people always working towards something? Do people give up? I want to do this project because I’m struggling with the same questions myself. Hopefully, understanding how other people approach this topic might serve as a guide and inspiration to myself and others. Are dreams our reasons for living? If we lose our dreams, do we lose our motivations for existence as well?

It’s funny how John and I started our blog 2 years ago for the same project I’m proposing now. We never got to do it, due to lack of time and many other things going on at the time. But I remember our weekly conversations about what might happen after school, and where will we end up in the future. Looking back now, I’d never have thought I’d end up where I am now, because this wasn’t where I intended to be. Where do I go next? Will that question be answered by the dreams that I have? It’s funny how our blog became the answer to the question of where we might end up in future, a diary for our post-school journey, through the process of collecting inspiration and thoughts, even though we didn’t intend it to be so. Underlying all the postings were separate journeys in life that each of us took over the 2 years from school to the real world.

Looking at the Wisdom project as inspiration, I would hope the project will come out in different forms, all serving to deliver the content that I will seek to gather in the initial phase.